Saturday, April 20, 2013

Earn simple online dollars with your videos on YouTube

So how can you make money on YouTube? There are primarily two ways to do this. You can make money through YouTubes partnership program or by promoting products, offers, and/or services. Lets briefly explain each one.

Making Money With YouTube
1. YouTubePartnership Program
YouTubes Partnership Program allows users to make money from the videos that they post on YouTube. Once their videos receive a certain amount of views, they may be invited to participate in the program. 

Once approved, ads will start displaying in their videos. Whenever someone clicks on an ad from their video, they will make money. Its quite similar to the Google Adsense program. The only difference is that the ads are shown in videos.
2. Promoting Products, Offers, and Services
Do you have a product, offer, or service that you can promote? Create videos promoting your product and post them YouTube. Heck, you dont even need your own product. You could make money promoting other peoples products, services, or offers.

In any case, you would create videos advertising whatever it is you choose to promote, upload them to YouTube, and hopefully get tons of viewers that convert into sales, leads, or commissions.
How to Get Started

Step 1: Decide how you want to make money. 
Do you want to take advantage of YouTube's Partnership program? Do you want to promote your own product or service? Would rather promote affiliate products and offers? 

If you choose to make money via YouTubes Partnership program, you will need to get approved for the program and create videos that get a lot of views.
If you choose to promote your own product or service, you will need to create a quality product or service that can appeal to YouTube's audience.
If you choose to promote affiliate products or offers, you will need to find affiliate offers that will convert with YouTube traffic.

If you want to, you could do a little bit of everything but it is best to work on one method at a time and master it before moving on.

Step 2: Come up with a game plan.

Once you have decided how you want to make money with YouTube, you need to come up with a game plan. Heres a simple one you can follow.

Choose a niche. Instead of making random videos or bouncing from topic to topic, choose one main topic for your videos. Gaming is one example of a good niche to get into if you want to make money with YouTube. Of course, there are many niches that can do well on YouTube. If you need help on choosing a niche, you may find this article helpful (Insert link to article on niche ideas).

Create or find a relevant product. Once you have chosen a niche, find or create a product, service, or offer that will appeal to your target audience. If you will only be participating in the YouTube partnership program, you can skip this step.

Decide your angle of attack. You know what niche you want to get into and you have a product to promote. Now, you need to determine how you are going to promote the product using YouTube. 

Will you create videos and lead viewers straight to the offer or will you use videos to drive traffic to a page that presells the offer you will be promoting? What type of videos will you create? Informational videos? Review videos? Video tutorials?Teaser videos?

Try to get an idea of how you plan to make money using the method that you have chosen to go with. Once you have come up with a plan of attack, you need to put your plan into action.
Step 3: Create Videos
There are plenty of tools, software, and services out there that can help you create engaging videos. Some are free while some can cost you some money. Here are some options you can try to create YouTube videos.


Put together a selection of images, text, and music to create a slideshow video. You can use Animoto to create free slide show videos. Another option is to create a normal PowerPoint presentation, export the slides as images, and then copy them into Windows Movie Maker to make a video.

Screen Recordings

Use a screen recorder and capture what takes place on your computer screen. You can capture online gameplay, presentations, demonstrations, tutorials, and more. These screen recordings are actually videos so you can upload them to YouTube. Some great free screen capture tools include CamStudio, Jing, and Hypercam 2.

Record Yourself

Do you have a smartphone that allows you to capture video? Do you a have a webcam? Maybe you have a regular camcorder. If you have a device that will allow you to record yourself on video, you can use it to make YouTube videos. Record yourself opening up or using a product that you are promoting. Get on camera and give out helpful advice or tips. Personal videos do really well on YouTube so if you are not camera shy, get behind the camera and make some engaging videos.


GoAnimate is a website that allows members to create free video animations. They provide you with characters, backgrounds, sound effects, and more. If you are not that skilled, you can use their quick video maker which allows you to create a video animation quickly and easily. You can use GoAnimate to come up with various types of videos. You just need be creative and maybe upgrade to a better plan if you are serious.
Step 4: Promote Your Videos

Once you have some videos to upload to YouTube, you need to upload, optimize, and promote them.

Write catchy titles that includes your main keyword. Your titles need to catch the attention of viewers and search engines. You also need to write good descriptions. Include a cloaked link to your offer in the beginning of your descriptions if you are promoting something. Add in some keywords and tags and then save your changes. If you need to add annotations or other video extras, YouTube makes it easy to do so.

Once your videos are uploaded, your next step would be to promote them so that they can get more views. The following list should give you some ideas on how you can get more YouTube views.

Share them on your social media profiles
Make video responses to other videos related to your niche
Optimize them for keywords so that they can show up in search results
Comment on other highly viewed videos leaving a link back to your video (Tip: Purchase likes for your comments so that you can get the top comment)
Bookmark your videos to the top social bookmarking sites
Embed your videos wherever you can 
Create playlists from your videos

If you can create great videos, monetize them, and then send a lot of traffic to them, you could possibly earn money online from YouTube

Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives


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