Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Earn easy money online by writing product reviews on Ukritic

Ukritic is a website quite similar to Ciao (read more about Ciao) where you write detailed product reviews. On Ukritic you can post affiliate links with your review. You get paid from your affiliate programs you signed up with, and Ukritic will bring you the traffic and the clicks. For more information on how Ukritic works, click here.

Ukritic says this about earning money on their website;

 "Ukritic is a very user-friendly product review platform, specifically designed for affiliate marketers.
Simply put, Ukritic makes it very easy to do the following:
  • Reach shoppers on the verge of a purchase decision
  • Help them buy the best product for their needs
  • Earn commissions or advertising fees if someone buys a product based on your recommendation
All without having to create your own website, host your own domain or learn any HTML or programming skills!
And personally speaking - our favorite aspect of earning money with product reviews is this: There's no "selling", hype or convincing required, because those "deciding shoppers" are already pre-disposed to buy the product. By searching for product reviews (like yours) they're simply making sure it's the right choice.
You've heard it before, and it's as true on the web as anywhere else: The first impression is everything...
While Ukritic does give you an instant edge in the aesthetic & professional appearance departments - it's still up to you to really deliver the goods on a product, and tell your readers what's up.
Right from the start, be completely honest, and you'll be amazed at the kind of responsiveness your Krit will receive.
If the product is great - explain why in detail, and back it up. Then recommend the best place for them to buy it, through your affiliate link (see step #4).
If it's "less than stellar", it's still worth reviewing (and being totally honest), because then you can recommend a better option - which will be just as effective for you, and very helpful for your readers.
It doesn't happen overnight, but once you get a handle on the basics of choosing products to review - and creating awesome, helpful Krits - it's only a matter of time until you start seeing results.
And it's not uncommon to have a one-time effort generate an income for several months or even years - passively. (In some cases, this can happen from creating even just a single great review).
As you might expect, though, the majority of people who see great results with Ukritic are posting excellent reviews consistently, and watching their traffic levels and commission payouts grow and grow over time.
With affiliate marketing, the sky is truly the limit, and anything is possible!


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