Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to Build a Revenue Sharing Website Traffic Exchange

One of the reasons for an effective website traffic exchange is a well-planned revenue sharing plan. Putting up the site itself is not good enough, although you may have seen the same thing done over various sites. For your plan to be effective, it has to be specifically made to suit your goals. This means reinvesting the funds given by members and getting enough profits to share between the members and yourself.

How to Improve your Revenue Sharing Model

The first step in developing a revenue sharing model for your website traffic exchange is to recognize the issues that you must face. There are a variety of them off the bat. First, what server will you use? Then, what platform will you use for exchange? Third, how will revenue be created for members to join the site? To make a site like this profitable, those are the top questions that must be answered.

The next thing you have to consider is creating a list of the small tasks you will need to do on a monthly basis. Like many website traffic exchange sites, you’ll find that most of the work will be done during the first month. It will take time to snag yourself enough members, entice them to invest in your site model, and to create an ongoing stream of revenue that will effectively work for the near future. Once you’ve done all that though, things get much easier. The second month would require you to monitor your development and see if the members are satisfied with the site. You’ll be checking up on the revenue sharing source as well as making payments and transfers between accounts.

Why Website Traffic Exchange is Effective

The reason that the exchange model works so well is that there are so many people out there interested in what it has to offer. Some are only interested in swapping traffic. And for them, the most effective way of swapping traffic is getting enough people on the site, something you will have to work on and will develop later on. However, there are those who view revenue sharing as more important than getting traffic. It’s enough that they get 5 to 10% percent return for some members to return. And thus, that is why you could successfully create your own website traffic exchange, the possibility of easy profit. However, it is vitally important that the members are satisfied with the results of the site. If you cannot maintain a steady flow of income for them, they will move on to other sites where the results are steadier. Hence, planning and carrying out your revenue sharing model is a very important part of success.


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