Monday, May 25, 2015

Earn On your Phone by keeping your fitness goals with GymPact

GymPact is an app you can download on your phone. This is an app that pays you to stay committed to your fitness and health goals! This app uses cash stakes to help you achieve your goals.
After you download the app and make an account you will be asked to set your first goal. You can choose from a food log goal, a gym goal, or a veggie goal. 

A food goal is where you keep track and log in all that you eat. You must record at least 1200 calories and 3 meals. 

A gym goal is where you set a goal for however many times you would like to go to the gym for the week. 

A veggie goal is where you take a photo of at least one serving of fruits or veggies and is approved by the Pact community. 

Once you set your goals stick to them, because if you miss one day of logging food or going to the gym you have to pay money! And thats your motivation to keep working towards your goals! If you accomplish your goals, you earn money from the members who didnt complete theirs!

This app is pretty cool. If you are already going to the gym, or are trying to eat healthier, get paid to do it! Download the app for your iphone here or for your android here

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